Quitobaquito Springs
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona • January 17, 2016

The Quitobaquito Springs are along the U.S.-Mexican border in the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. It is found off of a spur of the Puerto Blanco Road, about 17 miles in from the southern terminus of the road. The road is dirt all the way, but most vehicles could handle it if driven slowly.

These pools are fed from natural springs and have been here in one form or another for since forever. Ancient peoples used these springs, as did later arrivals including ranchers and growers. Some of the pools have man-made bulwarks to enlarge the size.

To see such a big body of water in this part of Arizona is a surprise. I was surprised to see ducks, too. I like ducks. They amuse me. How did ducks know there was water way out here in the desert? Were some so far off course one day, then got lucky to see this spring? Lucky ducks indeed.

I spent about fifteen minutes here and will come back in the future. The Mexican border fence is just feet away. I walked to it and stuck my arm into Mexico. On the drive out, I stopped for photos of a Mexican truck stop with old cars sitting in back. So close, yet a world away.

Quitobaquito Spring

Another view

Old Cottonwood. Asleep?


Representative duck

Walking back, Mexican border fence

East view along border

West view


Mexican truck stop

Old caddie!


(c) 2016 Scott Surgent. For entertainment purposes only. Enjoy the ducks.