The Complete World Hockey Association



February 9, 1975

Scoring Shots on goal
Teams 123otF 123otF GoaltendersGoals scorers & other highlights

Chicago020-25714-26DrydenRochon, Lomenda
Winnipeg210-391610-35LarssonHedberg, Gruen, Johnson

Houston121-412126-30GrahameTaylor 2, G. Howe, Mk Howe

Phoenix213-61077-24NorrisFtorek 2, Sobchuk, McNamee, Keogan, Cormier
Edmonton013-415719-41PlanteLong 2, Rogers, Baird

New England001-11277-26SmithEarl
Vancouver212-57199-35D. McLeodPelyk, Terbenche, Myers, Chipperfield, Lawson

Indianapolis203-511178-36A. BrownBond, Heatley, Buchanan, Fitchner, Sicinski
Toronto034-7112417-52GrattonCunningham 2, Dorey 2, Martin, Hickey, Henderson



HomeCredits & Legal Stuff


Reviews, Podcasts and Media

Article: Color of Hockey: Alton White (The Hockey News), by William Douglas — March 8, 2020
Review: US Sports History, by Rick Macales — Feb 6, 2021
Podcast: Good Seats Still Available, by Tim Hanlon — Feb 28, 2021
Podcast: Digital to Dice (Youtube), by Dave Gardner — July 3, 2022


WHA Fact Book, 2nd ed

Book Details

Complete WHA, 11th ed

Book Details


(c) Scott Surgent