The Complete World Hockey Association

Players H

List only

Derek Haas

Matti Hagman

Larry Hale

Del Hall

Murray Hall

Al Hamilton

Ted Hampson

Alf Handrahan

Merv Haney

Alan Hangsleben

Craig Hanmer

John Hanna

Ron Hansis

Dave Hanson

Nick Harbaruk

Joe Hardy

Jim Hargreaves

Ted Hargreaves

Derek Harker

Duke Harris

Hugh Harris

Jim Harrison

Dick Hart

Craig Hartsburg

Mike Harvey

Ed Hatoum

Murray Heatley

Paul Heaver

Clay Hebenton

Anders Hedberg

Howie Heggedal

Bill Heindl

Earl Heiskala

Paul Henderson

Pierre Henry

Don Herriman

Bill Hicke

Pat Hickey

Glenn Hicks

Larry Hillman

Wayne Hillman

Andre Hinse

Jamie Hislop

Mike Hobin

Ted Hodgson

Ed Hoekstra

Dale Hoganson

Paul Hoganson

Terry Holbrook

Bill Holden

Jerry Holland

Paul Holmgren

Leif Holmquist

Ralph Hopiavuori

Larry Hornung

Bill Horton

Rejean Houle

Gordie Howe

Mark Howe

Marty Howe

Harry Howell

Fran Huck

Bill Hughes

Brent Hughes

Frank Hughes

John Hughes

Bobby Hull

Steve Hull

Ed Humphreys

Dave Hunter

Paul Hurley

Ron Huston

Dave Hutchison

Mike Hyndman

Dave Hynes



HomeCredits & Legal Stuff


Reviews, Podcasts and Media

Article: Color of Hockey: Alton White (The Hockey News), by William Douglas — March 8, 2020
Review: US Sports History, by Rick Macales — Feb 6, 2021
Podcast: Good Seats Still Available, by Tim Hanlon — Feb 28, 2021
Podcast: Digital to Dice (Youtube), by Dave Gardner — July 3, 2022


WHA Fact Book, 2nd ed

Book Details

Complete WHA, 11th ed

Book Details


(c) Scott Surgent