Arizona Mountains
All summits with 1,000 feet of prominence and higher

Page assembled by Scott Surgent
With considerable credit to Andy Martin, Edward Earl, Mark Nicholls and Nick Scouras for their lengthy research.

• All peaks in Arizona with 1,000 feet of clean prominence or greater are listed below, ranked by their clean prominence, or "true" prominence when known.
• Peaks are listed by their names, with those enclosed within quotation marks being unofficial. Many range highpoints (noted as RHP) have no official name but are often referred to by the range's name. Other peaks may be known by the USGS Benchmark at its summit. Yet others may be referred to by some other significant natural feature nearby, or even a man-made one (e.g. some peaks near mines). Locally popular names may be included, and alternative names are listed in the Notes column. Short descriptions are given if confusion should persist.
• Abbreviations are: RHP Range Highpoint; COHP County Highpoint; COPP County Prominence Leader; IRHP Indian Reservation Highpoint; NPHP National Park Highpoint; NMHP National Monument Highpoint; Ultra Peak with 5,000 feet of prominence; BM Benchmark; LO Lookout; MR Military Reservation; BMGAFR Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range; CPNWR Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge.
• Indian Reservations are abbreviated as follows: NIR Navajo; SCIR San Carlos; GRIR Gila River; TOIR Tohono O'odham; HaIR Havasupai; HuIR Hualapai; FAIR Fort Apache
• Other notable facts about the peak are given when appropriate, including locations on various Indian Reservations, Land Grants, Military Reservations, National Wildlife Reservations, the Arizona Strip (all lands north of the Grand Canyon), and so forth. Some peaks may be the highest point of the Arizona portion of a range extending across two states. Also, the Grand Canyon holds many peaks within its canyons that are formed by erosion.
• Best viewed on a screen with width of 1,100. Otherwise, awkward word-wrap may take place.
• Links to the maps at have been replaced with latitude and longitude values for the summits. These were derived from in the 1984 datum.


Click on the county map for an enlarged version, showing the peaks by location.
(Beware: the files are big, some above 1 MB)

These maps were derived from Andy Martin's maps at his website. The key to the markers are:

Apache County

Cochise County

Coconino County

Gila County

Graham County

Greenlee County

La Paz County

Maricopa County

Mohave County

Navajo County

Pima County

Pinal County

Santa Cruz County

Yavapai County

Yuma County

The Arizona P2K Map
(My personal progress)

PEAKS #1-100
Rank Name Elev. (ft) Prom. (ft) Range County Lat & Long Notes
1 Mount Graham 10,720 6,320 Pinaleno Graham 32.7017, -109.8714 COHP • COPP • RHP • State Prom Leader • Ultra
2 Humphreys Peak 12,633 6,039 San Francisco Coconino 35.3463, -111.6784 COHP • COPP • RHP • State Highpoint • Ultra
3 Mount Lemmon 9,157 5,157 Santa Catalina Pima 32.4409, -110.7875 COHP • COPP • RHP • Ultra
4 Chiricahua Peak 9,759 5,139 Chiricahua Cochise 31.8464, -109.2914 COHP • COPP • RHP • Ultra
5 Miller Peak 9,466 5,006 Huachuca Cochise 31.3928, -110.2928 RHP • Ultra
6 Mount Baldy 11,403+ 4,703+ White Apache 33.9094, -109.5641 COHP • COPP • RHP • Fort Apache IRHP
7 Mica Mountain 8,666 4,610 Rincon Pima 32.2209, -110.5431 RHP • Saguaro NPHP
8 Mount Wrightson 9,453 4,578 Santa Rita Santa Cruz 31.6961, -110.8484 COHP • COPP • RHP
9 Hualapai Peak 8,417 4,437 Hualapai Mohave 35.0750, -113.9007 COHP • COPP • RHP
10 Baboquivari Peak 7,734 4,194 Baboquivari Pima 31.7711, -111.5956 RHP • Tohono O'odham IRHP
11 Pinal Peak 7,848 4,090 Pinal Gila 33.2822, -110.8212 COPP • RHP
12 Mazatzal Peak 7,903 3,943 Mazatzal Gila & Yavapai 34.0625, -111.4615 COPP (Yavapai) • RHP
13 Mount Tipton 7,148 3,628 Cerbat Mohave 35.5387, -114.1922 RHP
14 Kaibab Plateau 9,200 3,580 Kaibab Coconino 36.3954, -112.1493 RHP • AZ Strip HP • near Grand Canyon NPHP
15 Mount Turnbull 8,282 3,562 Santa Teresa Graham 33.0739, -110.2609 RHP • San Carlos IRHP • BM "Turnbull Reset"
16 Signal Peak 4,877 3,477 Kofa Yuma 33.3591, -114.0827 COHP • COPP • RHP • Kofa NWR • BM "Kofa 2"
17 Harquahala Mountain 5,681 3,461 Harquahala La Paz 33.8111, -113.3468 COHP • COPP • RHP • BM "Harquahala"
18 Browns Peak 7,657 3,297 Mazatzal Gila & Maricopa 33.6842, -111.3254 COHP • COPP (both Maricopa) • BM "Four Peaks Reset"
19 Dos Cabezas Peak 8,357 3,257 Dos Cabezas Cochise 32.2212, -109.6099 RHP • South summit is ~6 ft higher than north
20 Mount Wilson 5,455 3,215 Black Mohave 35.9966, -114.6119 RHP
21 Hayes Peak 4,512 3,212 Sierra Estrella Maricopa 33.2728, -112.2801 RHP • Gila River IRHP • aka Sierra Estrella Peak
22 Roof Butte 9,800 3,140 Chuska Apache 36.4596, -109.0921 RHP • Navajo (Ariz.) IRHP
23 Bassett Peak 7,663 3,123 Galiuro Graham 32.5061, -110.2798 RHP
24 Crossman Peak 5,100 3,120 Mojave Mohave 34.5489, -114.1885 RHP
25 Mount Trumbull 8,029 2,969 Uinkaret Mohave 36.4101, -113.1383 RHP • AZ Strip • Grand Canyon-Parashant NMHP
26 Mount Union 7,979 2,939 Bradshaw Yavapai 34.4152, -112.4044 COHP • COPP • RHP
27 Woodchute Mountain 7,840 2,900 N. Black Hills Yavapai 34.7497, -112.1757 RHP
28 Mount Bangs 8,012 2,892 Virgin Mohave 36.7924, -113.8549 RHP (Virgin, AZ segment)
29 Apache Peak 7,711 2,886 Whetstone Cochise 31.8250, -110.4269 RHP • BM "Stonewhet"
30 Mount Glenn 7,519 2,879 Dragoon Cochise 31.9520, -109.9867 RHP • BM "Dragoon"
31 Smith Peak 5,242 2,792 Harcuvar La Paz 34.0650, -113.3557 RHP
32 Mount Ajo 4,808 2,698 Ajo Pima 32.0267, -112.6907 RHP • Organ Pipe Cactus NMHP • BM "Sierra del Ajo"
33 Pastora Peak 9,407 2,687 Carrizo Apache 36.7902, -109.1645 RHP • NIR
34 Fissure Peak 7,370 2,670 Mule Cochise 31.4470, -109.9639 RHP • N. of BM "Mule" on Mt. Ballard
35 Gu Achi Peak 4,556 2,636 Santa Rosa Pima 32.3478, -111.8767 RHP • TOIR • BM "Santa Rosa 2" (removed)
36 Apache Peaks 6,940 2,580 Blackjack Gila 33.5406, -110.7426 RHP
37 Newman Peak 4,506 2,526 Picacho Pinal 32.7189, -111.4003 COPP • RHP
38 White Tank Mountain 4,083 2,503 White Tank Maricopa 33.5752, -112.5788 RHP (aka Goldwater Peak)
39 Kendrick Peak 10,418 2,478 S. F. Volcanic Field Coconino 35.4080, -111.8507 LO • Kendrick Mountain Wilderness
40 Pinnacle Ridge 7,550 2,470 Santa Theresa Graham 32.8712, -110.2274
41 Aztec Peak 7,748 2,468 Sierra Ancha Gila 33.8111, -110.9058 RHP, LO
42 Keystone Peak 6,188 2,448 Sierrita Pima 31.8774, -111.2155 RHP • LO
43 Mount Ord 7,128 2,408 Mazatzal Gila & Maricopa 33.9047, -111.4087 LO
44 Guthrie Peak 6,751 2,391 Peloncillo/Black Graham & Greenlee 32.8870, -109.3150 COPP (Greenlee) • RHP • BM "Guthrie"
45 Maple Peak 8,294 2,370 Sierra Aguilada Greenlee 33.3470, -109.1020 RHP • Possible COPP (Greenlee)
46 Escudilla Mountain 10,912 2,360 White Apache 33.9550, -109.1258 LO at south summit (10,877 ft)
47 Table Top 4,363 2,333 Table Top Pinal 32.7524, -112.1253 RHP • Trail to S. summit
48 Coyote Mountain 6,529 2,329 Coyote Pima 32.0038, -111.5327 RHP • Coyote Mtns Wilderness
49 Sheep Mountain 3,156 2,326 Gila Yuma 32.5328, -114.2339 RHP • BMGAFR
50 Reiley Peak 7,640 2,320 Winchester Cochise 32.3886, -110.1078 RHP • South tip higher than north
51 Bill Williams Mountain 9,256 2,306 Bill Williams Coconino 35.1994, -112.2048 RHP • LO
52 Rincon Peak 8,482 2,302 Rincon Pima 32.1206, -110.5231 Saguaro NP
53 Bryce Mountain 7,298 2,228 Gila Graham 33.0200, -109.6723 RHP • SCIR
54 Duncan Benchmark 6,769 2,209 Music Mohave 35.8093, -113.9836 RHP • BM "Duncan" • Grand Wash Cliffs Complex
55 Doubtful Peak 6,520 2,193 Peloncillo Cochise 32.3726, -109.0512 Name became official May 2023
56 Mohawk Mountain 2,775 2,140 Mohawk Yuma 32.5895, -113.6471 RHP • BMGAFR
57 Cunningham Mountain 3,316 2,136 Dome Rock La Paz 33.5700, -114.3496 RHP
58 Weaver Peak 6,574 2,134 Weaver Yavapai 34.3272, -112.8099 RHP
59 Wasson Peak 4,687 2,117 Tucson Pima 32.2724, -111.1445 RHP • Saguaro NPHP (West Unit)
60 Kitt Peak 6,880 2,092 Quinlan Pima 31.9639, -111.5998 RHP • TOIR • BM "Kitts" • multiple observatories
60 Peacock Peak 6,292 2,092 Peacock Mohave 35.3044, -113.7727 RHP
62 Castle Dome Peak 3,877 2,088 Castle Dome Yuma 33.0844, -114.1432 RHP • Kofa NWR • BM "Castle Dome"
63 Woolsey Peak 3,171 2,081 Gila Bend Maricopa 33.1672, -112.8854 RHP • BM "Gila Peak"
64 Mohon Peak 7,499 2,059 Mohon Mohave 34.9489, -113.2990 RHP • BM "Mohon Water"
65 Pine Mountain 6,814 2,054 Verde Rim Yavapai 34.2976, -111.7872 RHP • BM "Wild" • four areas
66 Harcuvar Peak 4,618 2,048 Harcuvar La Paz 33.9161, -113.6396 BM "Harcuvar" • Areas to NE slightly higher
67 Mount Perkins 5,456 2,036 Black Mohave 35.5699, -114.5085 BM "Perkins"
68 Mae West Peak 6,726 2,026 Little Dragoon Cochise 32.0973, -110.1257 RHP • BM "Lime" (absent)
69 Swisshelm Mountain 7,185 2,025 Swisshelm Cochise 31.6745, -109.5353 RHP • BM "Swiss"
70 South Mountain 4,160 2,020 South Pima 31.9995, -112.1491 RHP • TOIR
71 Pinta Benchmark 2,950 2,010 Sierra Pinta Yuma 32.2631, -113.5429 RHP • CPNWR • BM "Pinta" on map, actually "Pinto"
72 Silver Peak 8,008 2,008 Chiricahua Cochise 31.9045, -109.1972 BM "Silver Peak" • Former LO site
73 Turtle Mountain 7,004 2,004 Turtle Graham 33.0342, -109.5147 RHP • SCIR • BM "Highest Peak"
74 Cimarron Peak 4,124 1,984 Cimarron Pima 32.4375, -112.3948 RHP • TOIR • BM "Cimarron" on lower summit to SW
75 Mount Devine 4,783 1,983 N. Comobabi Pima 32.1321, -111.8047 RHP • TOIR
76 Copper Mountain 2,888 1,968 Copper Yuma 32.4995, -113.9973 RHP • BMGAFR
77 Atascosa Peak 6,422 1,960 Atascosa Santa Cruz 31.4325, -111.1475 RHP • BM "Pajarita" • LO on lower S. summit
78 Sitgreaves Mountain 9,389 1,949 S. F. Volcanic Field Coconino 35.3422, -112.0062 BM "Sitgreaves"
79 Towers Mountain 7,628 1,948 Bradshaw Yavapai 34.2341, -112.3679 LO • Crown King area
80 San Cayetano Peak 6,004 1,924 San Cayetano Santa Cruz 31.5334, -110.9620 RHP
81 Silver Bell Peak 4,261 1,921 Silver Bell Pima 32.4181, -111.5053 RHP • Ironwood Forest Nat. Mon. HP
82 Cathedral Rock 7,957 1,917 Santa Catalina Pima 32.3856, -110.8433 Multiple pillars, low 5th class
83 Cochise Head 8,113 1,913 Chiricahua Cochise 32.0592, -109.2997
84 Huachuca Peak 8,410 1,910 Huachuca Cochise 31.4903, -110.3823 Fort Huachuca MR
85 Black Mountain 5,587 1,907 Black Pinal 32.7772, -110.9619 RHP
86 Buckskin Mountain 3,927 1,887 Buckskin La Paz 34.1515, -113.5977 RHP
87 Eagletail Peak 3,300 1,880 Eagletail Maricopa 33.4029, -113.3047 RHP
88 Mitchell Peak 7,951 1,831 White Greenlee 33.2187, -109.3670 Near Sardine Saddle
89 Cabeza Prieta Mountain 2,930 1,830 Cabeza Prieta Yuma 32.3497, -113.8240 RHP • CPNWR • BM "Cabeza"
90 Superstition Peak 5,057 1,817 Superstition Pinal 33.4111, -111.4006 RHP • BM "Superstition"
91 Vishnu Temple 7,533 1,813 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.0891, -111.9359 GCNP
92 El Capitan Mountain 6,568 1,808 El Capitan Gila 33.2000, -110.7562 RHP • BM "Pioneer"
93 "Kayenta Point" 8,168 1,808 Black Mesa Navajo 36.6529, -110.2638 COHP • COPP • RHP • NIR • Near BM "Kayenta"
94 Whitlock Mountain 5,682 1,782 Whitlock Graham 32.6501, -109.4070 RHP
95 O'Leary Peak 8,938 1,778 S. F. Volcanic Field Coconino 35.4025, -111.5319 LO • near Bonito Lava Flow
96 Saddle Mountain 3,037 1,777 Maricopa 33.4402, -113.0380 RHP • BM "Saddle Mtn"
97 Nutt Benchmark 5,216 1,776 Black Mohave 35.0905, -114.3396 Located 0.75 mile east of Mt Nutt, BM "Nutt"
98 West Cedar Mountain 5,489 1,769 Cedar Yavapai 34.1140, -111.8197 RHP • Near East Cedar (#240)
98 Mesquite Mountain 3,789 1,769 Mesquite Pima 31.8928, -112.4454 RHP • TOIR
100 Mount Dellenbaugh 7,072 1,752 Shivwits Plateau Mohave 36.1085, -113.5413 AZ Strip • Lake Mead Nat. Rec. Area

PEAKS #101-200
Rank Name Elev. (ft) Prom. (ft) Range County Lat & Long Notes
101 College Peaks 6,768 1,748 Perilla Cochise 31.4549, -109.4217 RHP
102 Greasewood Mountain 7,094 1,734 S. Pinaleno Graham 32.4914, -109.7806 BM "Grease"
103 Tinajas Altas Peak 2,764 1,724 Tinajas Altas Yuma 32.2725, -114.0466 RHP • BMGAFR
104 Clay Tank Canyon (North) 4,630 1,710 Grand Canyon Mohave 35.8536, -113.7031 HuIR • GCNP
105 Mount Washington 7,221 1,709 Patagonia Santa Cruz 31.3530, -110.7240 RHP
106 Mound Mountain 6,266 1,706 Superstition (?) Maricopa 33.4712, -111.1363 Sometimes considered part of Superstition range
107 Whitlock Peak 6,211 1,691 Whitlock Graham & Greenlee 32.6014, -109.2178
108 Harquahala 4489 4,489 1,689 Harquahala Maricopa 33.8674, -113.2256 Northeast tip of range
109 Blue Jay Peak
8,840 1,680 Pinaleno Graham 32.7423, -110.0296 N. of West Peak LO
110 Ben Nevis Mountain 4,011 1,671 Quijotoa Pima 32.0616, -112.1444 RHP • TOIR • BM "Nevis"
111 Bronco Butte 4,349 1,669 Salt River Canyon Maricopa 33.5536, -111.2761 N. of Fish Creek Grade (AZ-88)
111 Stanley Butte 7,029 1,669 Graham 33.0149, -110.3646 SCIR
113 Granite Mountain 7,626 1,666 Sierra Prieta Yavapai 34.6378, -112.5533 RHP • BM on top (unstamped)
114 Mount Floyd 7,441 1,661 Coconino Plateau Coconino 35.3927, -112.7240 RHP
115 Monreal Benchmark 2,400 1,660 Mohawk Yuma 32.4954, -113.5318 BM "Monreal" • BMGAFR
116 Black Mesa 3,639 1,659 Plomosa La Paz 33.5999, -114.0188 RHP • New Water Mountains Wilderness
117 Hyde Creek Mountain 7,272 1,650 Santa Maria Yavapai 34.8352, -112.9187 Nearby Camp Wood Peak nearly as high
118 Isis Temple 7,006 1,646 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.1408, -112.1379 GCNP
119 Nankoweap Mesa 6,316 1,636 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.2672, -111.8576 GCNP
120 Rose Peak 8,786 1,626 White Greenlee 33.4392, -109.3715 LO • BM "Rose" on lower summit
121 Granite Mountain 2,490 1,620 Granite Pima 32.4261, -113.3059 RHP • BMGAFR • BM "Granite"
122 Gro Benchmark 3,293 1,613 Growler Pima 32.2441, -113.0263 RHP • CPNWR • BMGAFR • BM "Gro", +4 areas 1 mi. S
123 Hutch Mountain 8,535 1,612 S. F. Volcanic Field Coconino 34.8019, -111.3901 LO • Mormon Plateau HP
123 Prieta Peak 3,332 1,612 Slate Pinal 32.5460, -111.8882 RHP • TOIR • BM "Sierra Prieta" (unstamped)
125 Blair Benchmark 5,757 1,597 Hog Gila 33.2536, -110.6357 RHP • SCIR • BM "Blair" + 1 unstamped
126 Sauceda Mountain 4,118 1,595 Sauceda Pima 32.4606, -112.5886 RHP • Near TOIR boundary, NE of Ajo • BM "Sauceda"
127 Agua Dulce Mountain 2,850 1,590 Agua Dulce Pima 32.0256, -113.1451 RHP • CPNWR • BM "Quitovaguita"
128 San Tan Mountain 3,104 1,589 Santan Pinal 33.1733, -111.7090 RHP • Gila River Indian Reservation
129 Cherum Peak 6,983 1,583 Cerbat Mohave 35.3977, -114.1385 BM "Mineral"
130 Monson Benchmark 2,411 1,581 Mohawk Yuma 32.4059, -113.4682 RHP • BMGAFR • BM "Monson"
131 Octagon Butte 6,700 1,580 Rainbow Plateau Coconino 36.9249, -111.0004 BM "Cummings"
132 Picacho Peak 3,370 1,570 Picacho Pinal 32.6350, -111.4006 Arizona's only "Via Ferrata"
133 N. Tinajas Altas Mtn 2,720 1,560 N. Tinajas Yuma 32.3819, -114.1273 RHP • BMGAFR
133 Date Creek Mountain 4,920 1,560 Date Creek Yavapai 34.2142, -112.9144 RHP
135 Cerro Colorado Mountain 5,319 1,559 Cerro Colorado Pima 31.7110, -111.2626 RHP • BM "Colorado" • Near Arivaca Rd.
136 Martin Mountain 6,436 1,556 Martin Yavapai 34.5233, -112.7729 W. of Skull Valley
137 Table Mountain Plateau 5,175 1,555 White Hills Mohave 35.7042, -114.2628 BM "Yucca Spring"
138 Forest Hill 6,114 1,554 Little Rincon Cochise 32.1275, -110.4317 RHP
139 Vekol Mountain 3,609 1,549 Vekol Pinal 32.5778, -112.1117 RHP
140 Lime Kiln Mountain 6,464 1,544 Virgin Mohave 36.6717, -113.9862 AZ Strip • BM "Tungsten"
140 Mustang Mountains HP 6,469 1,544 Mustang Santa Cruz 31.6794, -110.4681 RHP • E. of Sonoita
142 Planet Peak 3,141 1,541 Buckhorn La Paz 34.1669, -113.9816 BM "Planet"
143 Kino Peak 3,197 1,537 Bates Pima 32.1093, -112.9538 RHP • Organ Pipe Cactus NM • BM "Tesmo" (?)
144 "E of 205-Mile Rapid" 6,573 1,533 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.0002, -113.2904 HuIR • GCNP • Area 3/4 mi north also as high
145 "N. Mazatzal Ridge" 7,571 1,531 Mazatzal Gila 34.1107, -111.4733 N. of Sandy Saddle Trail at Sandy Saddle
146 Growler Peak 3,027 1,527 Growler Pima 32.4097, -113.1010 CPNWR • BM "Growler"
147 Wabayuma Peak 7,601 1,521 Hualapai Mohave 34.9725, -113.9471 Main summit, south half of range
148 "East Antelope Peak" 6,400 1,520 S. Weaver Yavapai 34.2203, -112.6741 RHP • BM "East Antelope"
149 Webster Mountain 5,781 1,519 Gila 33.4533, -110.9462 Point S. of BM is higher ~10+ feet
150 Mount Suappoa 2,700 1,510 South Maricopa 33.3309, -112.0654 In city of Phoenix, TV Towers • BM "Telegraph"
151 Mount Hope 7,263 1,503 Yavapai 34.9394, -113.1104 Baca Land Grant Float HP, no access
152 Aquarius Mountain 6,236 1,496 Aquarius Mohave 34.8226, -113.4479 RHP • North of BM "Bonner"
153 Dean Peak 8,013 1,493 Hualapai Mohave 35.1167, -113.8685 Immediately NE of Hualapai Peak
153 Chuar Butte 6,480 1,493 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.1938, -111.8254 GCNP
155 Natanes Mountain 7,520 1,490 Natanes Graham 33.4129, -109.9371 RHP • SCIR
156 Mohave Peak 2,768 1,488 Trigo La Paz 33.2767, -114.4916 Yuma Proving Grounds MR
157 Arrastra Mountain 4,807 1,487 Poachie Mohave 34.4211, -113.3790 RHP • BM "Poachie"
158 Javelina Mountain 4,084 1,484 Javelina/Sand Tank Maricopa 32.7513, -112.3779 aka Maricopa Peak • RHP • BM "Maricopa 2"
158 Diaz Peak 4,024 1,484 Diaz Pima 31.9678, -112.6626 RHP • Organ Pipe Cactus NM
160 Sonsela Buttes 8,960 1,480 Sonsela Apache 36.1079, -109.0680 RHP • NIR
161 Tres Alamos 4,293 1,473 Black Yavapai 34.2466, -113.1796 BM "Sawyer"
162 Osiris Temple 6,613 1,469 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.1449, -112.1876 GCNP • SW of Shiva Temple
163 Picacho Butte 7,168 1,468 Coconino Plateau Yavapai 35.2300, -112.7410
163 Brahma Temple 7,551 1,468 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.1302, -112.0387 GCNP
165 Pine Peak 7,225 1,465 Hualapai Mohave 34.8741, -113.8568 BM "Judi"
166 Picketpost Mountain 4,375 1,455 Pinal 33.2576, -111.1576 W. of Superior, S. of US-60; AZ Trail nearby
167 Wood Mountain 7,326 1,446 Chiricahua Cochise 32.1211, -109.3339
168 Mount Hopkins 8,560 1,440 Santa Rita Santa Cruz 31.6884, -110.8853 Whipple Observatory
169 Agathla Peak 7,096 1,436 Monument Valley Navajo 36.8266, -110.2256 Spire, NIR • aka El Capitan
170 Capitol Butte 6,355 1,435 Red Rocks of Sedona Yavapai 34.8858, -111.8066
171 Maricopa Mountain 3,272 1,432 Maricopa Maricopa 32.9475, -112.3930 RHP • S. of AZ-238
172 Nose Benchmark 2,349 1,429 Gila Bend Maricopa 33.0851, -112.7304 BM "Nose"
172 Gila Peak 6,629 1,429 Gila Graham 33.1931, -109.9520 Fishhooks Wilderness • SCIR • BM "Gila"
174 "Weaver Pass Summit" 2,747 1,427 Dome Rock La Paz 33.5040, -114.3613 2 mi. W of Weaver Pass
175 Mohawk Peak 1,975 1,425 Mohawk Yuma 32.7493, -113.7623 Spire, north side of I-8
176 Music Mountain 6,697 1,417 Music Mohave 35.6494, -113.8377 Grand Wash Cliffs complex
177 Tumacacori Mountain 5,736 1,416 Tumacacori Santa Cruz 31.5581, -111.1114 RHP • on ridge N of BM "Tumac"
178 Wilson Mountain 7,122 1,402 Coconino Plateau Yavapai 34.9180, -111.7524 Secret Mountain Wilderness
179 Big Horn Peak 3,480 1,400 Big Horn Maricopa 33.6083, -113.1507 RHP
180 Red Mountain 6,373 1,398 Patagonia Santa Cruz 31.5055, -110.7259 LO • Overlooks town of Patagonia
181 Tree Benchmark 6,677 1,397 Music Mohave 35.5241, -113.6924 BM "Tree"
181 Burnt Mountain 2,917 1,397 Big Horn Maricopa 33.5469, -113.0786 BM "Burnt Well"
183 Hackberry Mountain 5,831 1,391 Yavapai 34.4239, -111.7107 Verde River Valley
184 Horse Peak 4,343 1,390 Morena Pima 31.5953, -111.8770 TOIR • aka Morena Peak, on Mexican border
185 Buck Peak 2,639 1,389 Cabeza Prieta Yuma 32.3822, -113.8926 CPNWR • BMGAFR • BM "Buck"
186 Skeleton Mesa 8,087 1,387 Skeleton Mesa Coconino 36.8759, -110.4633 RHP • NIR
187 "West Red Top Mtn" 2,744 1,384 Gila Yuma 32.5749, -114.3096 BMGAFR • West of Red Top Mountain
188 New River Mountain 5,936 1,376 New River Yavapai 34.0610, -111.9972 RHP
188 Scott Mountain 5,096 1,376 Dripping Springs Pinal 33.1953, -110.9518 RHP
190 Steamboat Mountain 7,410 1,370 Powell Plateau Coconino 36.3650, -112.3990 N. Rim GC, SW of Kaibab Plateau
191 The Dome 5,489 1,369 Grand Canyon Mohave 36.2760, -112.9022 N. of Colorado River, lotsa cliffs
192 Eagle Benchmark 3,186 1,366 Eagletail La Paz 33.4765, -113.4031 BM "Eagle"
193 Peak 6525 6,525 1,365 Yavapai 34.4691, -111.8761 Verde Rim, Yavapai Plateau
194 Angels Gate 6,761 1,361 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.0919, -111.9893 North Rim, West of Wotans Throne
194 "South KP Peak" 9,441 1,361 White Greenlee 33.5933, -109.3486 COHP • S. of BM "KP", near Hwy AZ-191
196 Willow Mountain 7,817 1,357 Graham 33.4619, -109.5939 LO (abandoned) • SCIR
197 Paria Plateau 7,356 1,356 Paria Coconino 36.7290, -111.8091 RHP • Vermillion Cliffs of AZ Strip • multiple areas
198 Sevenmile Mountain 2,948 1,354 Estrella Maricopa 33.1261, -112.2237 Near Butterfield Stage Route • Goodyear City HP
199 Shiva Temple 7,646 1,351 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.1646, -112.1541 GCNP
200 Armer Mountain 7,310 1,350 Sierra Ancha Gila 33.8208, -111.0109 Sawmill Flats CG area off of Young Highway
200 Sawtooth Mountain 2,990 1,350 Dome Rock La Paz 33.6133, -114.3579 N. of Cunningham, S. of I-10 at Dome Rock Pass

PEAKS #201-300
Rank Name Elev. (ft) Prom. (ft) Range County Lat & Long Notes
202 S. Comobabi Mountain 4,547 1,347 S. Comobabi Pima 32.0352, -111.8099 RHP • BM "Como"
202 "South Gila Mountains" 2,747 1,347 Gila Yuma 32.4842, -114.2106 S. of Sheep Mountain (#49) • BMGAFR
202 East End 4,067 1,347 McDowell Maricopa 33.6797, -111.8004 RHP • McDowell Mtns Preserve (Scottsdale)
202 Ragged Top 3,907 1,347 Silver Bell Pima 32.4496, -111.4908
206 Pinkley Peak 3,145 1,345 Puerto Blanco Pima 32.0042, -112.8589 RHP • Organ Pipe Cactus NM • BM "Pinkley"
206 Sacaton Peak 2,755 1,345 Sacaton Pinal 33.0028, -111.6734 RHP • GRIR
208 Kane Springs Mountain 6,902 1,342 Graham 32.5287, -109.8095 S. of Pinaleno Range
209 South Adah Hiilini 5,780 1,340 Rainbow Plateau Coconino 36.9603, -111.1302 NIR • E. of Lake Powell, W. of Navajo Mtn
209 South Trigo Mountain 2,640 1,340 Trigo La Paz 33.4214, -114.3388 Eastern summit, east of "W. South Trigo" (#339)
211 Mount Triplet 5,299 1,339 Gila Graham 33.3436, -110.3495 SCIR
212 Camelback Mountain 2,704 1,334 Phoenix Maricopa 33.5133, -111.9610 RHP
213 Grayback Mountain 5,133 1,333 Grayback Yavapai 34.5480, -113.2620 RHP
214 "S.E. Montezuma's Head" 4,088 1,328 Ajo Pima 32.1025, -112.6776 Organ Pipe Cactus NM • N. end of range
214 Maverick Hill 7,488 1,328 Big Lue Greenlee 33.0262, -109.0575 RHP (AZ portion)
214 Black Mountain 3,038 1,328 Pima 32.3223, -112.8406 South of Ajo (town) • BM "Ajo 2"
217 "N. Baboquivari Peak" 6,403 1,323 Baboquivari Pima 31.8302, -111.5748 4 miles N. of Babo
218 Lookout Mountain 2,681 1,321 Sauceda Maricopa 32.7417, -112.7751 E. of AZ-85/Black Gap • BMGAFR
219 Portal Peak Highpoint 8,560 1,320 Chiricahua Cochise 31.8633, -109.1567 North of the "traditional" summit
220 Cane Benchmark 4,827 1,307 Black Mohave 35.2684, -114.4194 BM "Cane" • N. of AZ-68 pass near Bullhead City
221 Little Horn Mountain 3,100 1,300 Little Horn Yuma 33.3538, -113.6186 BM "Little Horn"
222 Kwagunt Butte 6,377 1,297 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.2310, -111.8440 GCNP
223 Boot Mesa 6,656 1,296 Monument Valley Navajo 36.8899, -110.3092 NIR
224 Cedar Mountain 5,955 1,295 Cedar Coconino 36.9556, -111.6856 On Utah boundary, overlooking Paria Cyn.
224 Granite Peak 7,069 1,295 Hualapai Mohave 34.7677, -113.8528 S. of Cedar Mine Rd • BM "Pine" • Jeep road nearby
226 Peak 7161 7,161 1,292 Dragoon Cochise 31.8353, -109.9349 1 mi. S of Black Diamond Peak
227 "Cinnabar Mine Peak" 2,851 1,291 Dome Rock La Paz 33.5143, -114.2888 2 miles SE of Cinnabar Mine
228 Middle Camp Mountain 2,537 1,287 Dome Rock La Paz 33.6755, -114.3368 West summit may be higher
229 Perilla Mountain 5,939 1,285 Perilla Cochise 31.3849, -109.4355 North peak is highest, elevs checked by 1m Lidar
230 Diamond Mountain 5,120 1,280 Mazatzal Maricopa 33.8529, -111.4929 Near Sunflower
231 Red Mountain 8,154 1,274 White Greenlee 33.4485, -109.2825 Blue Range Primitive Area
232 McLendon Peak 4,091 1,271 Black Yavapai 34.3093, -113.1851 S. of Ives Peak, N. of Tres Alamos Peak
233 Dunn Springs Mountain 6,505 1,265 Cochise 32.1100, -109.2824 Near Allreds Ranch
234 Chocolate Mountain 2,822 1,262 Chocolate La Paz 33.2622, -114.3242 RHP • Yuma Proving Grounds • BM "Twin"
235 Clifty Benchmark 3,240 1,260 Castle Dome Yuma 33.1751, -114.2103 BM "Clifty"
236 Wades Butte 5,337 1,257 Yavapai 34.1584, -112.5775 Near Yarnell
237 Wolf Hole Mountain 6,416 1,256 Shivwits Plateau Mohave 36.7944, -113.6113 AZ Strip • BM "Wolf Hole"
238 Sunflower Benchmark 4,704 1,344 Yavapai 34.3111, -112.9882 BM "Sunflower" • N. of Date Creek
239 Peak 2813 2,813 1,253 Maricopa Maricopa 33.0927, -112.4869
240 Bunyan Peak 2,410 1,250 Gila Bend Maricopa 33.1142, -112.9651 North of Gila Bend
240 Mount McDowell 2,830 1,250 Maricopa 33.5406, -111.6934 Salt River IRHP • S.E. Beeline Hwy/Shea Blvd
242 East Cedar Mountain 5,449 1,249 Cedar Yavapai 34.0989, -111.7877 Near West Cedar (#98)
243 Rockhouse Mountain 4,523 1,243 Pinal 33.1311, -110.5039 SCIR • near Coolidge Dam
243 Rhodes Peak 7,123 1,243 Galiuro Graham 32.6592, -110.4160 Near Crest Trail
245 Martina Mountain 4,042 1,242 Roskruge Pima 32.0589, -111.4473 RHP • Northwest of Robles Jct
246 Waterman Peak 3,820 1,240 Waterman Pima 32.3497, -111.4734 RHP • Near Silver Bell Range
246 Childs Mountain 2,880 1,240 Childs Pima 32.4308, -112.9447 RHP • CPNWR • BMGAFR • North of Ajo
248 Boneyback Peak 5,558 1,238 Sierra Ancha Gila 33.8617, -111.1654 Near Roosevelt Lake, Conway Ranch
249 Cobre Grande Peak 7,155 1,235 Santa Theresa Graham 32.9670, -110.2928 North of Pinnacle Ridge (#40)
249 Tse Binjoobaahi 5,738 1,235 Rainbow Plateau Coconino 36.9188, -111.2286 NIR • E. of Lake Powell near UT boundary
251 Peak 3513 3,513 1,233 Mohave 34.4219, -113.1506 Overlooks Santa Maria River & Ranch
252 Salome Peak 3,991 1,231 Granite Wash La Paz 33.8390, -113.7111 BM Salome (2 ref markers)
253 Mugg Benchmark 1,908 1,228 Muggins Yuma 32.8165, -114.2475 RHP • BM "Mugg"
254 Limestone Mountain 7,186 1,226 Chiricahua Cochise 31.6674, -109.3447 Near Rucker Road, SE portion of range
254 Mount Logan 7,866 1,226 Sawmill Mohave 36.3605, -113.2129 Uinkaret Plateau, AZ Strip
256 Government Peak 7,580 1,225 Dos Cabezas Cochise 32.2036, -109.5114 S. of San Simon
257 Sala Benchmark 7,144 1,224 Dragoon Cochise 31.8770, -109.9705 S. of Cochise & China Pks • BM "Sala"
257 Diamond Butte 6,344 1,224 Shivwits Plateau Mohave 36.5691, -113.3735 AZ Strip • BM "Atkins"
259 Elden Mountain 9,299 1,219 S. F. Volcanic Field Coconino 35.2407, -111.5965 Popular hike, access via trail NE side of town
260 Mud Mountain 5,794 1,214 Shivwits Plateau Mohave 36.6755, -113.7852 AZ Strip • Grand Canyon-Parashant NM
261 Manzanita Benchmark 7,392 1,212 Aubrey Cliffs Coconino 35.8438, -113.1719 RHP • HuIR
262 "N. Sierra Estrella" 3,650 1,210 Sierra Estrella Maricopa 33.2934, -112.3228 Estrella Regional Park • Avondale City HP
263 Dome Mountain 3,381 1,201 Goldfield Maricopa 33.5019, -111.5458 RHP • Near Pass Mtn (#295)
264 Sombrero Butte 5,680 1,200 Galiuro Pinal 32.7081, -110.4857 Near Rhodes Peak (#241)
265 "South Kino Peak" 3,019 1,199 Bates Pima 32.0857, -112.9392 1.75 miles SSE Kino Peak • Organ Pipe NM
265 Holy Grail Temple 6,711 1,199 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.2747, -112.3043 GCNP
267 Honishoosh Atiin 6,275 1,195 Rainbow Plateau Coconino 36.8967, -111.0530 NIR • S.E. of Lake Powell
268 Mount Sinyella 5,441 1,193 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.2997, -112.7057 HaIR • near Supai Village
269 "N. Antler Mine Peak" 5,630 1,190 Hualapai Mohave 34.9061, -113.9728 Near Wabayuma Peak (#147)
270 Bowie Mountain 6,982 1,189 Chiricahua Cochise 32.1201, -109.4304 S. of Fort Bowie
271 Ash Peak 5,585 1,185 Black Hills Graham 32.7519, -109.2621 Unstamped BM
272 Big Horn Benchmark 3,183 1,183 Maricopa Maricopa 32.9086, -112.4106 BM "Big Horn" (absent)
273 Sunset Peak 6,980 1,180 Big Lue Greenlee 33.1228, -109.2254 BM "Sunset"
273 Vulture Peak 3,663 1,180 Vulture Maricopa 33.8789, -112.7949 RHP • near old Vulture Mine
275 Sugarloaf Mountain 3,418 1,178 Maricopa 33.6782, -113.0515 Hummingbird Springs Wilderness
275 Piestewa Peak 2,610 1,178 Phoenix Maricopa 33.5458, -112.0190
277 Butte Peak 4,890 1,170 Maricopa 33.8959, -111.8583 Scottsdale City HP
278 Seven Benchmark 6,409 1,169 Sevenmile Gila 33.6012, -110.5870 RHP • BM "Seven" • Hill to east may be higher
279 North Trigo Peak 2,168 1,168 Trigo La Paz 33.4661, -114.4189 Yuma Proving Grounds MR
280 Peak 5,966 5,966 1,166 Black Hills Graham 32.8215, -109.3333 S. of Guthrie Peak
281 Batamote Mountain 3,202 1,162 Batamote Pima 32.4683, -112.7402 RHP • NE of Ajo • BM "Papago"
281 Bobbin Peak 2,562 1,162 Trigo La Paz 33.3099, -114.5554 Near Colorado River, town of Cibola
283 West Spruce Mountain 7,160 1,160 Sierra Prieta Yavapai 34.5383, -112.5898 West of Prescott
284 Red Bluff Mountain 1,899 1,159 Muggins Yuma 32.7981, -114.1336 Yuma Proving Grounds
285 Ajax Benchmark 4,356 1,156 Pinal 33.1803, -111.1288 BM "Ajax"
285 Slaughter Mountain 6,556 1,156 Gila Graham 33.1242, -109.7673 SCIR boundary
287 Courthouse Rock 2,874 1,154 Eagletail La Paz 33.4637, -113.3605
288 "SE Martin Canyon" 6,753 1,153 Pinaleno Graham 32.5527, -109.8458 Near Kane Springs Mtn (#202)
288 Merriam Crater 6,813 1,153 S. F. Volcanic Field Coconino 35.3383, -111.2860 aka Merriam Mountain • BM "Merriam" (absent)
288 Weber Peak 6,200 1,153 Gila Graham 32.9475, -109.6288 N. of Solomon Pass
291 "N. Cane Spring Peak" 5,830 1,150 Cerbat Mohave 35.6135, -114.1733 North end of range
292 Sierra Blanca 3,727 1,147 Sierra Blanca Pima 32.2117, -112.2423 RHP • TOIR • BM reads "Rabla"
293 Towel Peaks 5,546 1,146 Verde River Yavapai 34.3964, -111.7116 Near Hackberry (#183) • Fossil Creek ruins
294 Crosby Mountain 4,344 1,144 Crosby Yavapai 34.4875, -113.1271 RHP • near AZ-97/US-93 Jct
295 Pass Mountain 3,312 1,142 Goldfield Maricopa 33.4856, -111.5964 N. of Wind Cave
295 "NE Sunset Pass" 5,026 1,142 Harquahala Maricopa 33.8359, -113.3041
297 West Silver Bell Mountain 3,100 1,140 West Silver Bell Pima 32.4985, -111.6743 Ironwood National Monument
298 Fraser Benchmark 4,618 1,138 Superstition Pinal 33.3786, -111.2392 BM "Fraser"
299 Belmont Benchmark 3,137 1,137 Belmont Maricopa 33.6419, -112.9010 RHP • BM "Belmont"
300 Jeffords Peak 4,696 1,136 Tortolita Pinal 32.5292, -111.0393 RHP

PEAKS #301-400
Rank Name Elev. (ft) Prom. (ft) Range County Lat & Long Notes
301 Saddle Mountain 6,535 1,135 Mazatzal Maricopa 33.9585, -111.5222 N.E. corner of county • Mazatzal Wilderness
301 Heart Benchmark 2,415 1,135 Sierra Pinta Yuma 32.3586, -113.6153 BM "Heart" • BMGAFR
301 Peak 6311 6,311 1,135 Santa Rita Pima 31.8222, -110.7698 South of Weigles Butte, W. of AZ-83, Lidar confirmed
304 Echo Cliffs 7,151 1,131 Echo Cliffs Coconino 36.5275, -111.5813 RHP • NIR • East of US-89
305 Johnny Lyon Hills 5,729 1,129 Johnny Lyon Hills Cochise 32.1378, -110.2328 Peak to NE lower per Lidar (1m) and visual
306 Golden Gate 4,288 1,128 Tucson Pima 32.2072, -111.1019 Near Cat Mtn (#359)
307 Peloncillo Benchmark 6,526 1,126 Peloncillo Cochise 31.5557, -109.0510 BM "Peloncillo" • On N.M. border
308 Black Mountain 6,045 1,125 Yavapai 34.8949, -112.0297 N. of Cottonwood • BM "Black"
308 "S. Whitmore Point" 5,045 1,125 Grand Canyon Mohave 36.1307, -113.2607 GCNP • 3 mi. S. of Whitmore Point
310 Harquar Benchmark 3,084 1,124 Little Harquahala La Paz 33.6971, -113.6156 RHP • BM "Harquar"
311 Copper World Peak 6,922 1,122 Hualapai Mohave 34.9034, -113.9086 3 mi. SW of Hibernia Peak
311 Coronado Butte 7,162 1,122 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.0034, -111.9439 GCNP
313 Juniper Flats Peak 7,161 1,121 Mule Cochise 31.4803, -109.9581 N. of Ballard & Fissure
313 Cottonwood Mountain 6,631 1,121 Cottonwood Mohave 35.2929, -113.5118 RHP • S.E. of Valentine
315 Mormon Mountain 8,500 1,120 S. F. Volcanic Field Coconino 34.9680, -111.5098 FR 648 or hike from Dairy Springs CG (E)
315 Yarnell Hill 6,080 1,120 Weaver Yavapai 34.2351, -112.7936 Overlooks Yarnell Grade/US-89
315 Socorro Peak 3,760 1,120 Harquahala La Paz 33.7594, -113.4552 E. of Salome
315 Blue Plateau 2,920 1,120 Sand Tank Maricopa 32.7907, -112.5454 S.E. of Gila Bend
315 Rawhide Mountain 5,560 1,120 Pinal 33.0456, -110.4509 SCIR
320 Snow Mountain 5,879 1,119 N. Aquarius Mohave 35.0605, -113.5052 BM "Fancher"
321 Baker Butte 8,077 1,117 Mogollon Rim Coconino 34.4519, -111.3784 LO • FR-300 spur to top
322 "E Cardigan Peak" 2,976 1,116 Little Ajo Pima 32.3681, -112.8958 Near Scenic Loop Drive
323 Long Mountain 4,351 1,111 Long Mohave 35.3973, -113.9369 RHP • BM "Long"
324 White Eagle Peak 6,230 1,110 Cerbat Mohave 35.3565, -114.1143 North of Stockton Hill
324 Kupk Hills 2,990 1,110 Kupk Hills Pima 31.9201, -112.2877 RHP • TOIR • BM "Kopeka"
326 Mescal Peak 6,193 1,106 Whetstone Cochise 31.7344, -110.4236
327 Rockinstraw Mountain 5,385 1,105 Gila 33.6013, -110.8157 BM "Rockinstraw" (BM "Rock" is buried)
328 Guadu Benchmark 2,604 1,104 Cipriano Hills Pima 32.0362, -112.9771 RHP • Organ Pipe Cactus NM • BM "Guadu"
329 "Cedar Basin Peak" 6,160 1,100 Aquarius Mohave 35.0871, -113.4075 N.W. of Indian Head Peak
330 Mount Kimball 7,258 1,098 Santa Catalina Pima 32.3764, -110.8800 SW of Mt Lemmon (#4)
330 Chubb Mountain 5,758 1,098 Sierra Ancha Gila 33.8231, -111.1167 Salome Wilderness, NE of Roosevelt Lake
332 Rucker Benchmark 7,136 1,096 Chiricahua Cochise 31.7338, -109.3688 BM "Rucker"
333 Margies Peak 2,493 1,093 Maricopa Maricopa 33.1592, -112.6059 Sonoran Desert National Monument • BM "Skull"
333 Salt Spring Mountain 3,973 1,093 Cerbat Mohave 35.9331, -114.2207 Lake Mead Nat Rec Area
333 Artillery Peak 3,213 1,093 Artillery Mohave 34.3694, -113.5815 Arrastra Mountains Wilderness
336 Black Butte 3,612 1,092 Vulture Maricopa 33.8424, -113.0182 BM "Black Butte"
337 Fraguita Peak 5,369 1,089 Cobre Ridge Santa Cruz 31.5070, -111.3325 Near Arivaca
338 OK Notch Peak 6,487 1,084 Dragoon Cochise 31.7547, -109.8770 Near Gleeson. Lidar says both points are 6487-ft
339 Ash Benchmark 6,003 1,083 Natanes Graham 33.3801, -110.0450 SCIR • BM absent
340 Hibernia Peak 6,721 1,081 Hualapai Mohave 34.9251, -113.8630
340 "W. South Trigo" 2,361 1,081 Trigo La Paz 33.4337, -114.3990 Yuma Proving Grounds MR
340 Oatman Mountain 1,741 1,081 Gila Bend Maricopa 33.0498, -113.1346 W. of Painted Rock Dam, near Oatman Massacre Site
343 Bear Mountain 8,560 1,080 White Greenlee 33.5338, -109.1447 LO • Trail #54 in Blue Range Primitive Area
343 Peak 2840 2,840 1,080 Plomosa La Paz 33.7182, -114.0694 North of I-10, Exit 26, SE of BM "Ibex"
343 West Sonsela Butte 8,880 1,080 Sonsela Apache 36.1006, -109.1016 NIR
343 Saddle Mountain 4,240 1,080 Pinal 32.9899, -110.6714 SCIR • East of Winkelman
343 Quijotoa Mountain 3,940 1,080 Quijotoa Pima 32.1332, -112.1580 RHP • Near Quijotoa (town), Road to top
348 Horse Mountain 7,078 1,078 Bradshaw Yavapai 34.2366, -112.4088 7 mi. NW of Crown King on Senator Hwy
349 Childs Benchmark 3,097 1,077 Pozo Redondo Pima 32.3126, -112.7139 RHP • TOIR • BM "Childs" (not found)
350 Bear Benchmark 9,396 1,076 Chuska Apache 36.3026, -109.0535 NIR
350 South Tule Tank 2,236 1,076 Tule Yuma 32.1849, -113.7933 CPNWR • near Mex. border
352 Black Mesa 4,354 1,074 Sierra Ancha Gila 33.6470, -110.8910 S. of Cherry Creek Rd, FR-203 • BM "Black"
352 Peak 1894 1,894 1,074 Mohawk Yuma 32.5515, -113.6065 BMGAFR
354 Jupiter Temple 7,084 1,072 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.1344, -111.8901 GCNP
355 Aguila Mountain 1,800 1,070 Aguila Yuma 32.6454, -113.3426 RHP • BM "Eagle" • BMGAFR
356 Jackson Butte 6,104 1,066 Gila 33.6258, -110.6134 Across US-60 from Seven BM (#277)
356 Face Mountain 2,066 1,066 Face Maricopa 33.1481, -113.1972 N. of Oatman Mtn (#339)
358 Cortez Peak 2,624 1,064 Gila Bend Maricopa 33.2637, -113.2272 BM Cortez
359 Safford Peak 3,563 1,063 Tucson Pima 32.3453, -111.1501 Saguaro NP, aka Sombrero Peak
360 Mount Emma 7,702 1,062 Uinkaret Mohave 36.2644, -113.1715 AZ Strip
360 Ibex Peak 2,822 1,062 Plomosa La Paz 33.7682, -114.0322 Southern Cross Mine, Bouse-Quartzsite Rd
360 Signal Mountain 2,182 1,062 Gila Bend Maricopa 33.2078, -112.9534 Signal Mtn Wilderness, N. of Woolsey (#63)
360 Cat Mountain 3,852 1,062 Tucson Pima 32.1842, -111.0609 S. end of range, near AZ-86
364 Grandview Benchmark 7,540 1,060 Coconino Rim Coconino 35.9575, -111.9569 LO • South Rim HP • FR-310, AZ Trail
364 McCloud Mountain 4,960 1,060 McCloud Yavapai 34.4277, -112.9617 RHP • BM Gray on lower summit
366 Granite Mountain 4,699 1,059 Mazatzal Maricopa 33.7906, -111.5617 W. of AZ-87 • BM "Otero" (not stamped by name)
366 "South Kitt Peak" 6,179 1,059 Baboquivari Pima 31.9004, -111.6021 TOIR
368 "North Bend Peak" 2,056 1,056 Gila Bend Maricopa 33.0424, -112.7363 1 mi North of BM "Bend" • 3 areas
369 Harcuvar Mtns Wilderness HP 5,135 1,055 Harcuvar La Paz 33.9984, -113.5050 West of ECP Peak
369 Sheridan Mountain 3,264 1,054 Sheridan Pima 32.3978, -112.1012 RHP • TOIR • NW of Anegam
371 Granite Mountain 4,052 1,052 Pinal 33.1623, -111.0251 S. of Superior, AZ-177, near Ray Mine
372 Adeiyi Taah Hooti 5,570 1,050 Rainbow Plateau Coconino 36.9534, -111.1684 NIR • Near Rainbow Bridge
372 Jackson Mountain 5,890 1,050 Santa Teresa Graham 32.9150, -110.1361
372 Orange Butte 5,250 1,050 Peloncillo Cochise 32.4139, -109.2382
372 Tat Momoli Mountain 2,600 1,050 Tat Momoli Pinal 32.6675, -111.8886 RHP • TOIR • BM "Jack" (two summits)
376 Agua Caliente Hill 5,379 1,049 Santa Catalina Pima 32.2953, -110.6659 BM "Clum"
376 "Nellie-Meda Mine Peak" 3,529 1,049 Date Creek Yavapai 34.0350, -113.1248 1 mi. N of Nellie-Meda Mine
378 Table Mountain 5,408 1,048 Mazatzal Yavapai 34.0509, -111.5765 Mazatzal Wilderness, Deadman Tr to NE; BM "Club"
379 Thumb Peak 3,407 1,047 Castle Dome Yuma 33.0255, -114.1035 Kofa NWR
380 Balakai Mesa 7,444 1,044 Balakai Mesa Apache 36.0321, -109.9164 NIR • Nearby 7,443-ft area, and a 7,442-ft south tip
380 Fluted Rock 8,304 1,044 Defiance Plateau Apache 35.8858, -109.2489 LO • NIR • BM "Fluted Rock"
380 Cross Mountain 6,444 1,044 Coconino Plateau Yavapai 35.1592, -113.2420 I-40, SE of Exit 96
380 Alvarez Mountain 3,404 1,044 Alvarez Pima 31.7176, -111.9951 RHP • TOIR • S. of Cowlic • BM "Rocky Point"
384 Peak 2283 2,283 1,043 Gila Bend Maricopa 33.1384, -112.7871
385 Iron Mountain 6,440 1,040 Garnet Mohave 35.8478, -114.0189 E. of Pearce Ferry Rd • BM "Tinnaka"
385 Dutchwoman Butte 5,040 1,040 Sierra Ancha Gila 33.7735, -111.1023 Salome Wilderness, BM on S tip (Elev 5017)
385 Peak 4000 4,000 1,040 Sand Tank Maricopa 32.6775, -112.3776 BMGAFR
385 "Smith Mine Peak" 2,600 1,040 Copper Yuma 32.4845, -113.9812 BMGAFR • South of Betty Lee Tank
389 Cabeza Prieta Peak 2,559 1,039 Cabeza Prieta Yuma 32.2886, -113.8085 BMGAFR • CPNWR • BM "Prieta"
390 Tortilla Mountain 5,018 1,038 Superstition Maricopa 33.4812, -111.3214 Near Tortilla Flat
391 Rough Mountain 7,277 1,037 Chiricahua Cochise 32.1007, -109.3388 South of Wood Mountain (#167)
392 Copper Mountain 6,676 1,036 Sierra Ancha Gila 33.9250, -111.1016 Trail off of FR-609 from Young Hwy
392 Elephant Mountain 5,276 1,036 Mohave 34.6633, -113.4153 Near Upper Burro Crk Wilderness • BM "Leaf"
392 Daisy Mountain 3,176 1,036 Maricopa 33.8826, -112.1035 W. of I-17 in Anthem
395 Grassy Mountain 6,595 1,035 Shivwitz Plateau Mohave 36.2779, -113.4687 AZ Strip • GC-Parashant NM
396 Peak 3714 3,714 1,034 Black Mohave 34.9107, -114.3293 Warm Springs Wilderness
397 Mount Fagan 6,190 1,033 Santa Rita Pima 31.8938, -110.7246 1-m Lidar affirms prom > 1K
397 Peak 4676 4,676 1,033 Dripping Springs Gila 33.0819, -110.7981 S.E. of Tam O'Shanter Peak, N. of Winkelman
399 Estrella Benchmark 2,766 1,032 Maricopa Maricopa 33.0323, -112.4752 N.W. of "The Boulders"
400 "Johnny Spring Mountain" 6,391 1,031 Gila Graham 33.0263, -109.6095 NE of Safford • SCIR boundary

PEAKS #401-430
Rank Name Elev. (ft) Prom. (ft) Range County Lat & Long Notes
401 Meridian Butte 6,430 1,030 Monument Valley Apache 36.9025, -109.9945 NIR • Spire in Monument Valley • BM "Rooster"
401 "S. Granite Peak" 6,430 1,030 Hualapai Mohave 34.7377, -113.8493 W. of Wikieup
401 "NE Kings Crown Peak" 5,630 1,030 Superstition Pinal 33.3477, -111.0561 Near Oak Flat Rec Area
402 Adams Peak 5,846 1,026 Little Dragoon Cochise 32.0336, -110.1159 Near Texas Canyon & I-10
402 East Mitten Butte 6,226 1,026 Monument Valley Navajo 36.9883, -110.0698 NIR • Spire in Monument Valley
402 Lukachukai Mountain 9,466 1,026 Lukachukai Apache 36.5218, -109.1661 RHP • NIR • Area 1 mi. SW nearly as high
405 Coronado Mountain 7,503 1,023 White Greenlee 33.1313, -109.3988 Overlooking Morenci Mine
405 "Southwest Pony Mesa" 5,183 1,023 Aquarius Mohave 35.0054, -113.4853 North end of range
407 Sombrero Peak 6,422 1,022 Sierra Ancha Gila 33.8515, -110.7734 Also nearby Mustang Ridge • FAIR
408 Sawtooth Mountain 2,630 1,020 Sawtooth Pinal 32.6238, -111.7228 RHP • TOIR • S. of Arizona City
409 Greenwood Peak 4,339 1,019 Poachie Mohave 34.5019, -113.5013 W. Burro Creek CG • BM "Greenwood"
409 "South Mazatzal Peak" 7,579 1,019 Mazatzal Gila 34.0354, -111.4651
411 Black Mountain 3,398 1,018 Maricopa 33.8148, -111.9405 HP Town of Carefree
412 Little Table Mountain 6,256 1,016 Galiuro Pinal 32.8011, -110.4906
413 Jerusalem Mountain 5,294 1,014 Pinal 33.0945, -110.5751 SCIR • SE of Coolidge Dam
414 Buckhorn Mountain 6,612 1,012 Mazatzal Maricopa & Gila 33.6583, -111.2867 S. of Four Peaks
414 Palo Verde Hills 2,172 1,012 Palo Verde Hills Maricopa 33.4203, -112.9569 RHP
416 Poverty Mountain 6,791 1,011 Shivwitz Plateau Mohave 36.4023, -113.4983 W. of Mt. Trumbull ghost town
417 Diamond Butte 6,316 1,010 Sierra Ancha Gila 34.1567, -111.1094 SE of Payson
417 Stewart Mountain 2,988 1,010 Maricopa 33.5820, -111.5581 Lidar 1/3arcsec suggests is about 1010 ft
419 N. Adah Hiilini 5,327 1,007 Rainbow Plateau Coconino 36.9922, -111.1568 NIR • E of Lake Powell near UT boundary
419 Arch Mountain South 3,763 1,007 Black Mohave 36.1154, -114.5610 Lake Mead NRA
419 Salt River Peak 4,858 1,007 Salt River Mountains Gila 33.5476, -110.9152 Lidar 1-meter confirmed to be P1K
419 Sunset Crater 8,041 1,007 S. F. Volcanic Field Coconino 35.3656, -111.5005 Sunset Crater NM, 1-m Lidar affirms prom > 1K
423 Peak 2116 2,116 1,006 Mohawk Yuma 32.4260, -113.4920 Slightly higher than Peak 2112, not shown on map
424 Red Mountain 7,965 1,005 S. F. Volcanic Field Coconino 35.5234, -111.8735 Overlooks interesting eroded canyon
425 Red Hills East 6,444 1,004 Gila Graham 33.1253, -109.8967 NE of Fort Thomas Area
426 NW of Cristobal Benchmark 2,382 1,002 Granite Pima 32.3512, -113.2914 BMGAFR
426 McDowell Peak 4,033 1,002 McDowell Maricopa 33.6700, -111.8167 Lidar 1-meter confirmed to be P1K
428 North Star Peak 6,041 1,001 Little Rincon Cochise 32.1064, -110.4231
428 "Willow Beach Peak" 2,321 1,001 Black Mohave 35.8513, -114.6767 1.5 mi. S of Willow Beach, Hoover Dam Area
428 Papago Mountain 2,141 1,001 Agua Dulce Pima 32.0915, -113.2526 BMGAFR
431 North Tinajas Altas 2,640 1,000 Tinajas Altas Yuma 32.3577, -114.0900 BMGAFR
431 Hells Hole Peak 6,960 1,000 Big Lue Greenlee 32.9956, -109.0778 SW of Maverick Hill (#215)
431 Saddle Mountain 8,880 1,000 S. F. Volcanic Field Coconino 35.4386, -111.7309 Road to top
- Empire Mountains HP
5,587 998 Empire Pima 31.8853, -110.6389 Lidar 1-m affirms prom is 998 feet
4xx Gunther Castle 7,199 999-1039 Grand Canyon Coconino 36.2098, -111.8723 N. of Jupiter Temple. Prom is certain over 1000 ft.
- S. of Charley BM 2,870 980-1000 Growler Pima 32.2964, -113.0658 CPNWR • BMGAFR • Prom is likely closer to 990 ft.
- Greens Peak
10,133 993 White Apache 34.1119, -109.5742 FR-117 to FR-61, prom probably less than 1K
- Little Granite Mountain 7,097 986 Sierra Prieta Yavapai 34.6167, -112.5667 1-m lidar affirms prom is 986 feet