Swansea Ghost Town & N34-W114 Confluence Hunt
Swansea & Bouse, Arizona February 14, 2009 |
Beth and I spent a couple days encamped in Salome, our habit for a few years over Valentine's Day. Today, we drove to Bouse, then north on Swansea Road (good gravel) to the ghost town of Swansea. It was an active mining town for about 10 years, roughly 1910, and the population was as high as 600, before the mines petered out and the whole place shut down.
We spent a couple hours here. Everything is in ruins, of course, but it's still fun to explore. There were a few others here too. It's a relatively easy ghost town to get to, and still has enough things to see.
![]() The general area from an elevated position
On the drive back to Bouse, I parked on the road at the 34th parallel and set out on a two-mile hike across desert plain to the 34 North, 114 West latitude-longitude confluence. The hike was easy and a bit tedious. Previous visitors left a small cairn at the spot. I didn't spend long, just enough time to get the photos. I hustled back and was gone for about an hour. ![]() West view and cairn
(c) 2020 Scott Surgent. For entertainment purposes only.