The Mountains of Arizona
Peak 3134 |
Goldfield Mountains Tonto National Forest Maricopa County |
Date: October 1, 2021
Elevation: 3,134 feet
Prominence: 514 feet
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 2 hours & 50 minutes
Gain: 1,080 feet
Conditions: Clear, warm, dry, absolutely stunning
Peak 3134 is the highest peak along the ridge east of the saddle connecting to Dome Mountain, in the Goldfield Mountains near Apache Junction. Online information (mainly HikeArizona) on the peak was positive, mentioning great views and a trail to the top to make things easy. This would be my first time back in this immediate clump of peaks since 2019.
The days have become lovely in the deserts, highs still in the 90s but lows in the 60s, and so dry that peaks 50 miles away can be seen easily, and the skies deep blue, not hazed out by ambient moisture. I intended to be out the door by 6 a.m., but was lazy. By 7 a.m., still home and moping, I figured today was a bust. But as I had nothing else going on, staying home was the last thing I wanted to do. I got my lazy butt on the road and drove to the trailhead (the Wolverine Trailhead), pulling in a little before 8:30 a.m.. The temperature was 75 degrees, but with a breeze, it felt pleasant.
Being a Friday, the small lot at the trailhead had just 3 cars, and one guy was leaving as I rolled in. I got suited up and started hiking at 8:30. I went north on Tonto Forest Road 10 for about a half mile, then where FR-10 bends west, I got onto FR-1356, heading north. I stayed on FR-1356 about a mile. When it made a sharp bend east, I went left (west) onto an un-numbered track. This track angled a little north, dropped into an arroyo, then angled west again. At this point, I got onto another track, also un-numbered, heading north-northwest. This was the same route that Scott Peavy and I followed in 2015 when we climbed Dome Mountain. Remembering the junctions after all these years was easy. Cairns help too.
I continued north up this road, topping out on a rise now directly below the mountain mass, Peak 3134 rising above me and Dome Mountain to the west. For Dome Mountain, we had dropped off this apex, staying on the road, to where it ended about a hundred feet down within a canyon. For Peak 3134, I angled right onto a foot-path marked by two cairns. I followed the path up through cactus thickets and rock outcrops, the path itself easy to follow. Cairns in strategic spots helped if I was unsure.
The path traverses below the cliffs and slopes of Peak 3134, overlooking the canyon below. It wended through brush and rocks, sometimes becoming faint. Only once did I lose it, but I refound the path after a couple minutes. There's not much space to go anywhere else anyway. Toward the saddle up ahead, the path was more on sloping rock than on brushy ground. Someone had marked the path with silver paint, then someone else added in red arrows. Soon, I was at the saddle connecting Dome Mountain and Peak 3134. This saddle is at 2,620 feet. To here I had walked about 2.5 miles with about 500 feet of gain. I had made good time and the weather was amazing, the temperature perhaps in the high 70s now.
I took a break at the pass, then started up the path to the top, 500 feet higher and about a half-mile away. There are more cairns here as the path can be weak in spots. It had been a wet summer, so the low brush and grasses were in abundance. Much of the path was overgrown in grass, and while I could generally keep on it, the cairns helped me when I had no idea where to proceed. I was also mindful of snakes.
The path goes uphill, then crosses a drainage, then steeply uphill some more, swinging around a smaller hill. Past this smaller hill, the actual summit comes into view. The path comes to a level saddle, then one more slightly-steep uphill push to the top. None of this was difficult and I made good time, arriving on top after about 90 minutes of hiking.
I had million-dollar views up here, nd I spent about ten minutes relaxing, taking photos and signing into the register. I was the first person to sign in since April, maybe the first person here overall since then. In cooler conditions, this peak seems to get about a half-dozen visitors per month.
The highest rock was partially hidden by a palo verde, so I leaned in to tag it. I walked around the small bald summit and enjoyed the views, with the Superstitions, Weavers Needle, the Four Peaks and nearby Dome Mountain to stare at. The great weather was most welcome and a good way to lift my spirits.
For the hike down, I followed the exact same route, being careful not to slip on the loose rocks. I took another short break back at the saddle, then hiked south along the trails back to the roads. I scared up a horned lizard on the road and got his image. He didn't run off or anything. The outbound hike went quickly, taking about an hour to exit. By now, it was warmer, but low 80s at most. I only saw one person the whole time, and it was an older guy on "trail patrol" with his radio. Not sure who he works for. I waved hi to him but he generally ignored me.
I was back to my car at 11:20 a.m.. Feeling so much better, I drove home and cleaned up, did some important things, and tried to make myself useful for the day. I am happy I didn't give up on the hike today. It did wonders for my psyche.